Jaruwan Mettakoonpitak
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, 2013-2018
Ph.D. in Chemistry with Professor Charles S. Henry
Thesis: “Low-cost analytical tools for compositional analysis of particulate matter”
Mahidol University, Bangkok, 2010-2012
M.Sc. in Applied Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry Program with Associate Professor Atitaya Siripinyanond
Thesis: “Development of hollow fiber flow field-flow fractionation coupled with thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry for nanoparticle characterization"
Mahidol University, Bangkok, 2006-2009
B.Sc. in Chemistry
Contact: jaruwan.m@rbru.ac.th

3rd year student
She is currently studying in the Chemical Education Program. Her research interest is flow improvement for mPADs
Contact: 6115891023@rbru.ac.th

3rd year student
He attends in the Chemical Education Program. His research interest is improving flow on mPADs
Contact: 6115891011@rbru.ac.th


Supabhorn Kaewbutdee
B.Ed. Chemistry (2018-2019)

Supaphorn Chiewpookhiew

Nithiya Wongwan
B.Ed. Chemistry (2018-2019)

Araya Kuharuk

Jaruwan Mettakoonpitak
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, 2013-2018
Ph.D. in Chemistry with Professor Charles S. Henry
Thesis: “Low-cost analytical tools for compositional analysis of particulate matter”
Mahidol University, Bangkok, 2010-2012
M.Sc. in Applied Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry Program with Associate Professor Atitaya Siripinyanond
Thesis: “Development of hollow fiber flow field-flow fractionation coupled with thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry for nanoparticle characterization"
Mahidol University, Bangkok, 2006-2009
B.Sc. in Chemistry
Contact: jaruwan.m@rbru.ac.th

Pittayaporn Ardnarong
4th year student
She is currently studying in the Chemical Education Program. Her research interest is flow improvement for mPADs
Contact: 6115891023@rbru.ac.th

Anawat Khanornkun
4th year student
He attends in the Chemical Education Program. His research interest is improving flow on mPADs
Contact: 6115891011@rbru.ac.th
Aphiwan Saenonphut

4th year student
She currently study in the Chemistry Program. Her research interest is developing portable electrochemical sensors for protein detection
Contact: 6114181011@rbru.ac.th

Supabhorn Kaewbutdee
B.Ed. Chemistry (2018-2019)

Supaphorn Chiewpookhiew
B.Sc. Chemistry (2019-2020)

Nithiya Wongwan
B.Ed. Chemistry (2018-2019)

Araya Kuharuk
B.Sc. Chemistry (2019-2020)